Finding ways to stay inspired
Hey DTD Community,
It has been waaaaayyyy too long since we've been in touch!
During that time however, I have never stopped making mini or major personal pledges that inspire, like I'm sure is true for all of you.
I'm now present to how unfortunate it is that I don't know many of the inspiring details of our community's small or large personal transformations over the years, and I too have withheld sharing my triumphant accomplishments and the tremendous challenges along the way. I'm ready to begin again, and once again I invite you to begin Dancing Through Disaster with me.
Although I was mid fundraising with DTD, in September 2011 when I QUIT CIGARETTES, I never posted my pledge that I'd keep it up to inspire others or get support. I never put my money where my mouth was and donated dollars to natural disaster relief in honour of my commitment.
Being that I'm 6 months away from my 5 year Quit date anniversary, I'd like to now post my pledge about this past personal commitment and bring it to the present.
I, Amanda Leah Jackson, PLEDGE to make it to 5 years (September 9, 2016) Cigarette Free (keeps for life) and I will DONATE dollars to Natural disaster relief in honour of my personal commitment.
When I DO reach my goal, I will DOUBLE MY DONATION - just like I will PLEDGE to DO for anyone else that chooses to begin DANCING THROUGH DISASTER along with me, until we raise $2016 CAD
Let's use this group to make it happen...
~ Dancing Through Disaster ~
Inspiring Empowered Action Personally & Globally